NNEDV Safety Net’s Technology & Confidentiality Resources Toolkit
This unique and innovative micro website was developed by NNEDV’s Safety Net Team to assist domestic violence, dating abuse, sexual violence, and stalking non-profit victim service organizations and partnerships including victims service agencies with specific and useful resources on confidentiality and privacy. www.nnedv.org/tools |
NNEDV Technology Safety Resources
Documents from NNEDV’s Safety Net: National Safe and Strategic Technology Project. Topics include survivor safety planning, confidentiality, spyware, teens, identity change, data security, social networking, online safety and assistive technology. www.nnedv.org/resources/safetynetdocs.html Technology Safety website – blog with talking points on various topics with links to resources/handouts. www.techsafety.org |
Privacy & Safety on Facebook: A Guide for Survivors of Abuse
This guide addresses privacy on Facebook, as well as safety tips and options for when someone is misusing the site to harass, monitor, threaten, or stalk. It refers back to Facebook’s Help Center in several places for more detailed information on settings and features – a site that all Facebook users should check out. NNEDV’s SafetyNet staff has collaborated on this in hopes that it helps survivors of abuse know how to stay connected through social media while continuing to maintain their safety. http://nnedv.org/facebookprivacy |
Safety Tips For Using Computers & Cell Phones
Computers and cell phones are useful to gather information and stay in touch with family and friends. But cell phones and computers can also be used to harass you, follow you, and abuse you. Reading the attached safety tips will help you use your computer and/or cell phone more safely. |
Technology Safety Planning with Survivors
Tips to discuss if someone you know is in danger. This handout provides 12 simple but critical tips about phone, computer, email, instant messaging and other technology use to discuss if someone you know is in danger. Un Plan de Protección de la Tecnología para las(os) Sobrevivientes: Unos concejos para analizar si usted conoce a una persona que está en peligro. This document is available from NNEDV in several languages. http://nnedv.org/resources/safetynetdocs/technology-safety-plan.html |
Stay Safe Online – National Cyber Security Alliance
NCSA’s mission is to educate and therefore empower a digital society to use the Internet safely and securely at home, work, and school. Includes information and teaching materials, plus tipsheets for adults, children, students, businesses and employees . |
Frequently Asked Questions about U.S. Federal Laws & Confidentiality for Survivors
With VAWA confidentiality provisions in mind, this document, created by the National Network to End Domestic Violence, answers questions about confidentiality for survivors including those regarding the following U.S. federal laws: The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics (Clery)3, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)4, and, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). |
A Platform for Good
Google has launched A Platform for Good (PfG) to focus on the positive power of the Internet, using fun and engaging interactive elements to support online safety learning. The goal is provide an interactive space to help parents, teachers and teens connect, share and do good online. Look for good privacy information on the Resources pages. |
HMIS Information for DV Advocates and Survivors
From NNEDV: A quick summary for Domestic Violence advocates of the March 2010 HMIS Final Regulations protecting the safety and privacy of victims of domestic violence. Also Wisconsin ServicePoint policy for non-DV agencies serving domestic abuse clients, and a privacy card survivors can take with them to other agencies. |
Just Delete Me
This website will guide you in removing accounts from many online services: http://justdelete.me/ |
Online Privacy and Safety Tips
Browsing the web safely and privately is concern for many people. A good general rule is that nothing online is private. Another general rule is that you can’t be completely anonymous online. However, you can take steps to prevent sensitive and personal information from making its round on the Web. |
Privacy Considerations When Posting Content Online
For those who want to be more protective of their online information – some questions to consider when posting content online. |
Tech-Savvy Teens
Choose who gets to see your information. ESCOGE QUIÉN PUEDA VER TU INFORMACIÓN |