For Teens

For Teens

Dating Violence, like domestic violence, is a pattern of forceful behavior that is used by one person to gain power and control over another.

ASK YOURSELF: Does my Boyfriend or Girlfriend…

  • Call or text all the time to find out where I am, who I am with, or what I am doing?    domestic-violence-cycle
  • Track me through Facebook, MySpace, FourSquare, etc.
  • Tell me what to wear?
  • Have to be with me all the time?
  • Call me names? Put me down?
  • Insult or criticize me constantly?
  • Act jealous or possessive?
  • Give me orders? Tell me what to do all the time?
  • Make all the decisions?
  • Threaten to hurt me, or someone in my family, if I don’t do what they want?
  • Get angry quickly or fight a lot?
  • Blame me when something goes wrong?
  • Follow and/or track me?
  • Check up on me all the time?
  • Refuse to allow me normal contact with friends and/or family?
  • Shove, push, punch, slap, pinch, kick, or hit me?
  • Touch or kiss me when I don’t want to?
  • Force me to have sex? Not let me use birth control?
  • Pressure me to use alcohol or drugs with them?
  • Encourages me to engage in activities I am uncomfortable with (i.e. sexting, cybersex, etc.)
  • Refuse to accept that the relationship isn’t working or is over?

If the answer to one or more of these questions is YES, you might be in an abusive relationship, and WE CAN HELP.

You don’t need parent permission to call!!!

What You Can Do About It:

If you are in an abusive relationship, it’s probably going to get worse rather than get any better. You deserve to be in a healthy, happy relationship that meets your needs. It’s not always easy to get out of an abusive relationship, but the following suggestions may help…

  • Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.
  • Trust your instincts—you are the best judge of your own safety.
  • Get help from Voices Against Violence—We can help you make a safety plan, give you information about NH laws, make referrals to other services, and support you when you just need someone to listen.
  • Tell someone you trust—a close friend, a family member. They may be able to support you and watch out for you.
  • Develop a safety plan—what are you going to do when you see the abuser at school, at work, or in social situations?
  • Keep a log of the abuse—when the abuser contacts you or follows you, what s/he says or does.

What Kind of Help Can You Expect?

An advocate is a person who can assist and support you and your needs. An advocate is also a person who understands the dynamics of abusive relationships.

The different types of advocacy at home, school or in the community are:

  • Information/Education
  • 24-Hour Teen Hotline: 603-536-1659 or 1-877-221-6176
  • Emotional Support
  • Hospital Accompaniment
  • Teen Crisis Counseling
  • Safety Planning

Don’t be afraid to call us for more information on getting the assistance you need in order to be safe and free from abuse.

NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence Teen Fact Sheet